Friday, October 28, 2011

Blinded by Love

They say love is blind... and this blindness must be contagious. Why? Just take a look at the average lovestruck fangirl. She follows close behind her idol like a sheep, whipping out her iPhone and checking her timeline every two minutes. Her idol hates something? So does she... or if she doesn't, she doesn't assume anything bad about her object of desire for hating it. She doesn't bother checking the facts or listening to both sides any argument. Her love is passionate and unfortunately true. It could be used for good, but it's often used for pure evil.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Big Time Rush is a band manufactured from the ground up. Unlike One Direction, they probably lean more toward being actors than musicians. I was first introduced to them through an acquaintance on an art site. A girl made a post about how excited she was that a member had replied to her tweet. I got excited too. Who was this guy from this band that gave her some attention? Was he super hot? Was he talented?!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pop - A Musical Stepping Stone

Though it may seem like it, I didn't create this blog solely to hate on pop musicians. They have to start somewhere and so does their audience. The way I see it, pop is a gateway to the rest of the world of music. It is not pure evil, it is not the cause of anorexia, and it is not what was in bed with your mom last night.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

REVIEW: Who Says - Selena Gomez & The Scene

I'm going to come out and say it right now... I actually like this song. It squeezed its way past my maximum security, cynically-sealed ears in a moment of weakness and forced itself out of my mouth whilst I was minding my business in front of the bathroom mirror.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Is it bad that I hadn't heard of One Direction until last week? Suddenly they were trending on Twitter.. For some reason, their name led me to believe that were a k-pop band or maybe even a misspelling of Glee's New Directions. They're not... they're a five piece boy band from the UK and apparently they finished 3rd on the X-factor in 2010. It does always seem like the people who don't win these competitions get the most popularity, doesn't it?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

REVIEW: Baby - Justin Bieber

We're going to kick off this blog with a classic.
Baby... ft Ludacris.

This song just never gets old. It's one of Justin Bieber's most quoted, mocked, loved, and (simultaneously) hated songs. Baby is a hit because it sounds as though it's being sung by a genderless angel. Ask a few people and you'll eventually find at least one who confesses that they could have sworn a girl was singing at first. Of course, all of the jokes that were once heavy applied to his voice are now null, as a year and a half later, Bieber's voice has broken.

Moving past the obligatory falsetto commentary, it's easy to see how this song was such a hit. Repetition, check. Love-focused lyrics, check. Cute, heartbroken howling, check. Random rapping in the middle of the song? That's there too, but don't ask me why.

The music is so simple, it might as well not be there. It really lets one focus on the lyrics, which aren't very substantial, message-wise. Thin music, thin lyrics - this song is perfect for those on a musical diet! It's loaded with calorie-free sugar. Side effects include bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and delusions of become Justin's OLLG.

All in all, it's another heavily produced and saccharine-sweet products of the music industry. It's targeted at preteens. It reaches out and grabs them at their most vulnerable time, like a stuffed animal claw reaching for the plushie at the peak of the pile. Preteens are very cheap plushies, but you can't blame them.. they don't know what they really want yet.

So let's b-b-b-b-b-b-break it down.

Music - **
Lyrics - **
Catchiness - *****
Overall - ***

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Let's go

Somehow, you've reached Devarnished. Yes, Devarnished is not a word. The proper term is unvarnished. It's a site/blog reviewing pop (mostly preteen pop) songs. Maybe it'll be a success.. probably not. Here we go!

~ Delia