Friday, October 28, 2011

Blinded by Love

They say love is blind... and this blindness must be contagious. Why? Just take a look at the average lovestruck fangirl. She follows close behind her idol like a sheep, whipping out her iPhone and checking her timeline every two minutes. Her idol hates something? So does she... or if she doesn't, she doesn't assume anything bad about her object of desire for hating it. She doesn't bother checking the facts or listening to both sides any argument. Her love is passionate and unfortunately true. It could be used for good, but it's often used for pure evil.

Surely you've seen the anti-bullying campaigns by now. Apparently, cyberbullying is a big thing now too.. There was even a lifetime movie about it called - wait for it - Cyberbully. It was terrible, but that's not the point. The point is, the fans that these artists have are always going at their rival fans.

What? You just trash talked my guy to no one in particular? I'm going to tell you to suck my dick... even though I'm a female.

Oh God, someone just claimed to love Justin Bieber for months, finally met him, and then ripped up a poster of him on video! Quick, tie up their arms and legs and nail them to a cross. No one is allowed to dramatically change their fandom. Ever.

Wait.. w-wait, aren't you going to do anything to stop these obsessive little minions? No? That's just irresponsible. Seriously, shame on you. The least you can do is pop in and say "Hey, remember not to be little bitches to each other." every now and then. I understand that celebrities are busy, but as someone once said, with great power comes great responsibility. Congratulations on your hundreds of thousands of new children. Please put them on a leash and don't let them run up and down the aisles. Someone's going to get hurt.

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