Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Big Time Rush is a band manufactured from the ground up. Unlike One Direction, they probably lean more toward being actors than musicians. I was first introduced to them through an acquaintance on an art site. A girl made a post about how excited she was that a member had replied to her tweet. I got excited too. Who was this guy from this band that gave her some attention? Was he super hot? Was he talented?!

Upon googling the band, my excitement quickly turned to confusion and embarrassment for the poster.

The guy was super hot, but I found out that the band was based off a Nickelodeon program. I'm always surprised when I meet high schoolers who aren't embarrassed by liking things obviously geared toward children. Everyone knows it only becomes cool to like childish things once you enter college.

Alas, I digress. Today, after much putting off, I dove head first into two songs from this rubber band.

If I Ruled the World ft. Iyaz

The music on this song is very nice. Snappy acoustic guitar and drums? You just can't go wrong with that. You can, however, go wrong with melody and vocal performance. I shouldn't have been fooled by the music. After Iyaz finishes the short intro, the main singer comes in and the rest of the song is mediocre to say the least. The title of the song is dropped not only twice in each verse, but in the chorus as well. It just doesn't work. You can't repeat the same five words over and over again in a fast paced song and expect it to flow well.

As one would expect, the lyrics lack substance and consistency. In the first verse we're talking about giving everyone awesome backyard parties, and in the second, you start mentioning a girl? What? No! You just changed the who dynamic of the song! Can't you stay on topic for 3 minutes?! Apparently not. If I Ruled the World is another party song with very good production value. That is its saving grace.

Boyfriend ft. Snoop Dogg

This is a wannabe slow R&B song sung by a soulless boy band... featuring Snoop Dogg. We can assume Snoop Dogg enjoys working with kids now. We can also assume most people will never get over this fact.  It's okay, I too would rather stay in denial.

Boyfriend is like Baby all over again... but worse. Snoop Dogg's low voice and BTR's desperate attempts at hitting high notes? Will it blend? Yes. Is it palatable? Just barely. Unfortunately, it leaves a nasty aftertaste. This is aspartame music and it may induce delusions of liking Snoop Dogg and thinking that you're listening to R&B. Boyfriend is another song made by producers who know how to market hot guys.

The Embossment?

Big Time Rush has better tracks to sing over compared to One Direction, but you can tell Sony is trying hard to sell their music. It's not hard to hear why they're so popular. The music sounds good, but there's no emotion behind the lyrics. There are no stories to be told in either Boyfriend or If I Ruled the World. There are a lot of pretty faces in this band, but from what I gathered from these two songs, there's no outstanding vocal talent. Big Time Rush is another generic boy band. They should stick to being actors first, as I assume that's what they're best at. Stop it Nickelodeon! You're ruining these boys' careers!

By the way, you already rule the pre-teen pop world. Where's the DJ you promised me?

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