Saturday, October 1, 2011

REVIEW: Who Says - Selena Gomez & The Scene

I'm going to come out and say it right now... I actually like this song. It squeezed its way past my maximum security, cynically-sealed ears in a moment of weakness and forced itself out of my mouth whilst I was minding my business in front of the bathroom mirror.

While Selena doesn't have the strongest, smoothest sounding voice, it's good enough for her audience. Her backing vocals are actually (gasp!) full of emotion. She sounds genuine, and if there's any autotune here, it's not glaringly obvious. These are things you don't always hear in this genre.

Who Says is an inspirational song that managed to strike a chord with me. I've never been bullied, but I can imagine this song being a major confidence booster to anyone who has been put down repeatedly. While I don't always believe that jealously is the reason for being picked on, I can still appreciate the lyric "... trust me, that's the price of beauty." There's someone beautiful inside everyone. Sometimes you just need a little reassurance.

One of my favorite lyrics actually comes from the break down/climax of the song. Selena practically demands you to tell her "who said that." I personally found this hilarious, and a little strange, as there's nothing she can personally do to stop whoever's putting you down. It does feel nice to imagine Miss Gomez as being a friend who'd stand up for you in a fight though!

Now for the musical commentary. There's an acoustic guitar strumming along throughout the track. At the beginning, it sounded a bit shrill and grating, but it blends in once the other sounds are introduced.  I'd like to say that I really enjoyed the strings and subtle bongos in the background. In addition, the whoosh bringing you into the chorus is so powerfully uplifting. Heh.. 'whoosh'... Can you tell I have nearly no bad feelings about this song?

I'll just quit my gushing right here.. let's break it down.

Music - ****
Lyrics - *****
Catchiness - ****
Overall - ****

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